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I want to be an inspiration.

Yes i’m a Woman,

but if you believe in yourself, you can do it too!

I am the proof that everything it is possible.

Tessarolo Erika ( Art Designer, Businesswoman &Entrepreneur, Inventor Mechanical Bull riding machine, Artistic sculptures and multi- rides Games)  was born in Italy, on 1986. Read my biography.

Hello, thank you very much for visiting my website and read my biography. I am Erika Tessarolo, an Italian Woman Entrepreneur, Artist & Designer, Creator, Businesswoman & CEO, active in the global market since 2006. (Italian Excellence in the World Award, 2021 – Rome – Washington, DC).

I was born in Italy, but my family heritage is a mix of various origins. I am the eldest of two daughters, and I grew up in an Italian family. My mother, Lorena, is a housewife and the director of an association; my sister Greta is a graphic designer and, today, the mother of two wonderful children. My father, Ugo, also known as “Tex,” is an entrepreneur and inventor in the Entertainment Sector.

I grew up with an entrepreneurial father who always sought to carve his own path, doing so without ever giving up. By supporting him, I had the opportunity to see both his work and the environment around him, which allowed me to view life from different perspectives. For me, it was the most important and tangible opportunity to learn and understand who I truly wanted to be, ultimately becoming the inspirational woman I have always aspired to be.

That’s why I’m sharing a part of my life story, to inspire other women and men who sometimes only need a positive example or a reason to take control of their lives, to change or improve them. I am grateful to every reader I can reach, as it allows my message to spread, along with my life as a source of motivation and example.

Always feel successful, commit yourself to achieving your dreams and goals. From experience, I can say that many of us face trials, obstacles, and victories when we enter the world. In the case of women, it can be even harder. We are often viewed as objects, belittled as “not good enough,” and when we rise to the occasion, efforts are made to stop us or prevent us from receiving what we deserve or achieving our dreams, dimming our light to avoid inconvenience for many.

Fortunately, the world is changing. More people are waking up and viewing things through a different lens. Perhaps, finally, we will come to understand that collaboration between men and women creates a version of the world far different from what we were accustomed to.

Since I was little, I’ve felt the desire to reach my dreams and goals, to become who I wanted to be without imposed limits. I’ve always seen and experienced a limiting culture, restrictive ways of life, and the narrow thinking of limiting people—an entire pre-established system aimed at preventing and blocking nascent and rising talents.

My classmates humiliated and mocked me, making fun of my family’s situation and social class. They tried to insult me with hurtful words. As an elementary school child, I wasn’t mentally prepared for such offenses, though my instincts, even at a young age, pushed me to protect my family’s honor. (My father humbly ran a horse ranch, as it was his only opportunity to support us. He dedicated himself to it with great sacrifice. Eventually, thanks to an idea, he started to change our life and became the game developer we know today).

Even during elementary, middle, and high school, I faced challenges. The school staff belittled me, telling me things like, “You’ll never amount to anything, you’re like animals, you’ll be a failure…,” and many more hurtful words I’d rather not add, but which I’ll never forget. These situations tried to prevent the birth of every dream or creative idea I had.

I remember one particular incident in middle school: the art teacher belittled me, saying I would never make it and that my school tests were awful, insufficient, and mediocre. As a result, I pushed art aside, repressing one of the talents that expressed part of my essence. One law teacher called me stupid and ignorant, saying, “Where do you think you’re going?” Despite all this, my inner strength didn’t falter.

I decided to leave school on the day of my high school graduation exam. I realized that a piece of paper should never define who I am, and it shouldn’t make me a better person. Only through hard work and commitment could I become whatever I wanted.

At the same time, various difficult life events occurred: poor work performance, the loss of our family home and the place where the business was based, unpaid debts that led to unexpected financial struggles, etc. (The company, founded by my father in 1989, had been initially successful in the entertainment sector, a flagship of Made in Italy entertainment. But by 2004, the successes and demand started to decline).

I left school without graduating, choosing instead to continue my life with only a middle school diploma. Time was running out, and I couldn’t afford to waste any more of it. I had to save the company my father had built with so much sacrifice from nothing.

I also wanted to be different from other girls who preferred to take the shortest and easiest path to get what they wanted. I decided it was time to fight, to prove to myself that I could do it—not for others, because it’s never enough for others—but to prove it to myself and to those who have the eyes and heart to truly see it. In doing so, I hoped to become an inspiration and an example for others like me who are repressed or trying to be stopped.

The first important steps I took were to create my independence by moving out and living on my own. I did this at the age of 17, beginning my path of personal growth. Despite the usual fears, I knew it was the right thing to do to help me “save what someone had created without knowing exactly where to start.” In doing so, I gave up on fully understanding who Erika truly was.

By following this path, I learned that life can crush you if you give too much trust and surround yourself with the wrong people, like scammers—those who live by taking advantage of the goodness of others, ready to exploit ideas that would never occur to them. The fundamental step is to understand this and make sure not to ignore the reality of the facts surrounding you, the signals you perceive. “Don’t work the old way,” don’t trust anyone too easily, don’t prioritize helping others before yourself, and don’t depend on others in your work. Be fully conscious and independent, and don’t talk too much until your projects are finished, because there will always be someone who will feel envy. Despite their presence, it’s always better to distance them and focus solely on your own path.

At that moment in my life, I realized that the word “Save” was the only thing in my mind, without thinking of the possible consequences or what I would have to go through to achieve it. Disappointments, humiliations, economic and work difficulties—things an 18-year-old girl shouldn’t have to face, let alone take charge of—but at that time, my family and my father’s dream came before everything else, even before myself.

I had to enter a predominantly male-dominated sector, which had negative implications with “macho” behavior directed towards me. The world of manual construction is, by nature, male. (A few years ago, it became a bit more open to greater respect for women.)

Even in these situations, as I had in school, new challenges arose, but I already knew I would never give up. On the contrary, I encouraged myself to give my best without compromising or going “below” my values. Only I could decide what to do and what not to do.

I also explored the legal path to protect family assets, seeking proof and documentation of everything my family had suffered (abuse, scams, etc.). The more money you have, or if you have connections, you can get away with things—even when you’re wrong. I tried to restore dignity to my family by searching for legal documentation, deeds, and evidence in our favor. However, as I expected, and as we know, in most cases, whoever has more money or connections tends to win. In this system, reality or truth takes a backseat. I realized I was wasting valuable energy that I could have channeled into my work and creativity.

Thus, I fully focused on my work to understand what was wrong with the existing methods, but above all, to learn everything I still needed to know. I have always believed that a good leader, a good entrepreneur, must have total knowledge of their work and products—technically speaking—if they want everything to work perfectly and set an example for those who will support them.

Today, I can confidently say that I know how to do my job better than I ever expected, and I am completely independent. I saved everything I could, with the little financial means I had (very little), testing myself every day. I still continue to do so.

You learn to work on the front lines by hands-on experience: mechanics, electronics, technical design, welding, resin coating, art, and sewing. I practically learned to do everything and to improve everything that had been created in the past. This led to real change and a unique, luxury product that is impossible to copy—an artistic version of the entire process. However, it will always remain heavy work, both physically and mentally—especially for a woman.

In this regard, I thank my father for giving me the opportunity to learn a profession even at a young age. Although no one else wanted to teach me, I watched the work being done. I observed my father, the collaborators, and employees. As I stored information in my mind, I realized, day by day, that I could do better. Their methods were completely wrong. These mistakes provided me with the chance to avoid making the same ones, and to proceed in the direction I had chosen, including one of my most important dreams: to become a World Excellence.

These life episodes have given me the certainty and conviction to firmly believe in my power and abilities, which have transformed a job that was not part of my dreams into part of my dreams—reachable, thanks to this work. I’ve fought against adversities and difficulties, which I still face today, giving my best, not giving up, so that everything I think and dream can materialize into reality.

That’s why, inspired by that artistic sense (which had been obscured and repressed since childhood), innate and indomitable within me, I decided to transform this work into my own creation of art in every single project, action, and thought. Thus, I gave life to Art and Entertainment, expressing what my imagination conveys through my hands by materializing what I visualize.

I transformed all production into a fusion of art, electronics, mechanics, software, and recycling, constantly seeking innovation, technological entertainment that is unique in its kind, but above all, of excellence and incomparable quality.

Taking this path, I knew that new obstacles, challenges, and opportunities would arise. But it was my passion, compliance, willpower, and innate creativity that gave me the courage to face them, without ever giving up. The decision to approach art (despite the insecurities and fears I carried since childhood) gave me the opportunity to search within myself for my true expression—my singular, unique creativity—transforming imagination into reality. Despite having had a pre-set career for years, this is how I faced the change.

I reshaped old glass-resin series molds (thus recycling 90% of the material) into new, unique pieces of art, covered and molded from recycled foam and leather—materials that no one would use in product recycling. (For example, foam and resin that would otherwise pollute.) Reuse always occurs, ensuring efficiency, safety, quality, and uniqueness—Made in Italy – Made in Brescia.

It is our duty to help save the planet with every single action. That is why, if a good manufacturer chooses to produce with truly high-quality materials, these materials can be reused precisely. I made this visible to everyone through the company’s YouTube channel, showcasing videos of my artistic work and the recycling/reuse of products dating back to 1989.

I chose art because it can be a means of happiness, beauty, cultural expression, and entertainment, but above all, a possibility for everyone to earn—no longer just a static piece for galleries or exhibitions.

As a result, another mandatory change occurred: the corporate political shift. I lost many customers who did not share my vision, but I gained others who value me first and foremost as a person, my principles, and my work.

By creating a more complex system that requires much more time dedicated to people, I was able to reflect myself more in my work. I turned the “Business Purpose” into a collaboration between “People & People” and not just “Numbers.”

“Behind every action, there is a person; there are feelings, there are families.”

For me, my clients are like part of the “family.” In each of my creations, there is an expression of my soul, which is why it is impossible to treat customers merely as numbers.

It is not easy to meet people who share the same vision we have, but I firmly believe that principles, reliability, honesty, seriousness, and punctuality must always come first. That’s why I prefer to choose to surround myself with the right people and customers who truly value products, people, and business.

I remember some anecdotes from the past, especially from the beginning, that changed my life. For a woman to find herself in a predominantly male market and sector, where you are the key figure, is not as simple as it sounds. You need to be sure of yourself, to know exactly who you are, and to stay centered in order not to lose sight of the goal and not let anyone disregard you simply because you are a woman. You must not allow yourself to be taken less seriously, with a tendency to be ignored, unless you stoop to unreasonable or physical compromises (which I will never tolerate or accept).

That’s why, over the years, I’ve learned to eliminate unnecessary people and customers, replacing them only with those who align with my values. It was a clean break that, although not economically advantageous at the time, was the best decision I ever made.

Many who seek my products (including those searching for possible substitutes) know exactly that in my sector, mine are the best in terms of technology, quality, safety, professionalism, but above all on a human level. Despite this, and despite the experience and professionalism I offer, many still don’t want to work with me simply because they see only a woman.

For me, this serves as an additional incentive to fight and never give up, to pursue and persist in defending my ideals and spreading them as much as possible.

A woman, a human being, can be whatever she wants—if she truly desires it: intelligent, with heart, with beauty, with genius and inner spirit. Even a predominantly male job for a woman does not allow her to take care of herself as a woman would like. But that is simply the consequence of the choices one makes if they believe in what they do, always and under any circumstance.

As a child, I had many dreams. Not only did I want to be recognized for what I deserved and to be seen as the No. 1 in the world in my field, but I also wanted to be a veterinarian, model, dancer, artist, manager, CEO, and more. To this day, I can say that in addition to what I have always done, I have always tried to branch out into other sectors, always succeeding very well. It was all to prove to myself that whatever I chose to do, I would do it well and successfully.

I am living proof that “if you want it, you can do it—just believe in yourself.”

Thanks to all the choices I made, various opportunities arose in my life, including some of the most important ones: the business trips that I made the most of in order to broaden my mind and enrich myself inside (heart, mind, spirit), meeting people, cultures, countries, jobs, events—everything a person like me could dream of.

This helped me offer the highest level of service and competence to all my customers worldwide. The journey truly brought me closer to the cultures of my various customers, making me feel complete and making my customers feel that, by choosing me or my services, they could be assured and safe.

Traveling also helped me remove all the limits imposed by my culture, by society, and by fears, transforming me into the woman I am today.

I learned to share, to help, creating a better future for myself, those around me, and my clients. That’s why I don’t consider the people I work with as numbers but as people—because it’s also in their hands that my future lies.

(Words of mouth are the most important and fundamental thing—treat others well, be honest, and they will come to you; you won’t have to chase them.)

During my wonderful adventures in the United States, I also had the opportunity to visit a church and a square dedicated to my grandfather’s brother, Antonio “Demo” (my paternal grandfather’s brother). The Demo family is known in New York for the incredible deeds of Father Antonio Demo, an exemplary figure, an inspiration, and a symbol of altruism. He was the pastor of one of the most famous churches in New York, a savior of refugees and asylum seekers, and his name is honored in Father Demo Square (Bleecker St & Carmine St, New York, NY 10014, United States). I was fascinated and inspired by this, filling my heart with happiness and pride.

I also fulfilled one of my many dreams: being a “model” in Miami—a country where everything is possible. To my great joy and fortune, I had the opportunity to be a model and an extra in a film. This was proof that a woman can be both feminine and masculine at the same time, and that limits do not exist.

That’s why, even today, for me, every day is an opportunity to reach a new goal. This innate warrior spirit has allowed me to earn awards both worldwide and nationally. Every day, I set new dreams for myself, new goals, and each time, by persisting and never giving up, my dreams come true:

• 2014: The United States talks about my products as the “Ferrari of Mechanical Bulls.”

• 2015: Award “Women Who Have Done It” at Expo 2015 edition (Lifetime Achievement Award) for evaluating her commitment to the workforce, professional growth, and enthusiasm combined with creativity in every opportunity.

• 2017: Young Italian Artists accept my registration as an emerging Italian artist.

• 2018: Women in Art Recognition of the Emerging Artist of Art by the National Association for the Research and Protection of Antiques and Fine Arts.

• 2018: Minerva D’Oro Young Entrepreneur Award from Manerba del Garda (for exporting her business to America and the world, making Manerba known even beyond the ocean).

• 2019: Enegan Luce e Gas chose me as the face of the new campaign “Save the Planet” committed to recycling. Erika and Show Games currently recycle 85% of the materials used for production.

• 2019: Confirmation of acceptance by SIAE as an Italian Artist for other types of Visual Arts and Authors.

• 2020: European Artist of the Year Trophy awarded by ART Expo, under the patronage of the Municipality of Cesenatico, on June 27, 2020.

• 2020: Palma d’Oro Trophy awarded in Venice, on September 19, 2020, at Hotel Principe.

• 2021: Italian Excellence Award in October 2021 (Rome – Washington D.C.) (Lifetime Achievement Award).

In 2021, to my great surprise, emotion, and gratitude, I was nominated, without my knowledge, for the Italian Excellence Award (thanks to the dear Prof. Massimo Lucidi / The Map Report / Ermete Realacci). Thanks to these people who believed in me and my work, I was honored with this magnificent recognition. It crowned one of my dreams—making my homeland, my country, recognize my individual skills and abilities, which were already known worldwide. (Italian Excellence Award: “A Woman Entrepreneur Artisan with extraordinary enterprise and dexterity worthy of the most beautiful Renaissance creative season”). In Rome, everything seemed magical—elegance, positivity, beauty, and refinement. For one day, I too felt part of that magic, and in my heart, I carried all those women like me who deserved to experience the accolades and sensations I felt. That’s why it is essential for me to be inspirational

Cit. Erika Tessarolo, Rome 10/15/2021

“When you have dreams, you must never stop believing in them, believing in yourself, believing in our power that allows us to achieve what we want most.

I learned to materialize what I thought, what I dreamt, and my daily commitment is to make it come true.

I always knew what I wanted and what kind of person I wanted to be.

Even if from an early age society, the situation, and school always made me feel like the wrong one, the one that would never arrive, the one who wasn’t capable, the different one, the one with a mentality and vision that wasn’t understood, the one without a diploma, who is nobody.

They tried to condition my thinking, to put out my fire, to block me, but to no avail.

A girl from the Municipality of Manerba del Garda with her only strength, despite her difficulties, has always stood up and looked forward without any kind of limit.

She made herself known to the world without masks but with the genuine truth of simply being herself, direct, straightforward, without any constructions, no double faces.

With the simplicity and humility of being human, treating each person as a brother and not as a number because for me we are all the same (rich, poor, white, black, yellow, green) we are all a family.

To have suffered, to have won, to have tried, to have cried, to have smiled, without ever hiding, to have helped people who have changed their lives with a single gesture of love.

Without being afraid of getting your hands dirty, of learning, of creating, of realizing, of building, of not being able to do it.

Always at the forefront, despite the fact that even today part of society believes that a woman is not able to perform a predominantly male job, at the height of how a man would do it.

NOT SO, I am proof that we can do even better!

And this does not make me superior, but it contributes to the evolution of a better version of society, of those who want to learn and improve themselves, and then pass it on to others.

This award is for me and for women like me. I am proud of myself, I am proud of you, never give up.

I said that I would be an excellence in the world and I am, but what is more worthwhile is when your homeland starts to see it.

Thanks to all people who supported me especially my family and  Massimo Lucidi, Ermete Realacci, Italian Excellence Award, The Map Report, Carlotta Natalini, Anna Maria Gandolfi, Moreno Garcia, Anmar Algarin Mora, Vivianna Vieira Gallucci, Lyvana Queen, Numa Sbaraini, Mirko Pacione, Francesco Patrignani, and all the people in the world who believed in me.

We are creators of our future and I want to be that part that has contributed to the improvement of a future that today seems dark but will be bright; love always wins in the end.”

My talent and my uniqueness on American soil represent what the Italian state has always distinguished itself for: the ability of Italians to undertake, invent, create, being true craftsmen.

Despite this great opportunity to produce my product in other contries, I am still in Italy, choosing the Made in Italy. I am convinced that our country should not let talents go away from its territory but give them the right value and support. Even today, worldwide, in the sector of construction of entertainment products, mechanical art, and mechanical design, I am the youngest woman worker and entrepreneur.

Every year I specialize more and more, unique innovation, quality, and uniqueness.

During this lockdown, I invented, designed, and built various new products, including Mitwaiver.it software, which will revolutionize the way of working and has already been nominated for the Italian Excellence 2022 award.

Let all this be an inspiration for people, showing that at any age and goal, everything is possible by remembering within each of us that:

– If you believe in yourself, everything is possible, even the impossible!

For everything to become possible, the secret is to believe in yourself; no one else has to do it, but only you.”

Erika Tessarolo
#inspirationwomenerikatessarolo #artdesigner #artist #businesswomen #entrepreneur #design #artgallery #amusementparks #erikatessarolo #mechanicalarts #mechanicalbulls #mechanicalcustoms #mechanicalarttechnology #software #technology #art #tecnology #women